Mega advertising campaign Onlíner
Brands often give away all sorts of prizes to stand out from the rest and get a huge number of customers. Onlíner decided to go a step further and organized a mega raffle to attract a mega large number of users to its app.

Among the prizes are the latest iPhones and the mega prize is a FAW Bestune T77 crossover.
On the key visual we conveyed the scale of the event by literally releasing a balloon car into the open sky. And now we can confidently say that such creativity was visible to everyone from afar.

Video and audio clips
The prank was so loud that even the seagulls shouted about it.

In the VFX-roll for social networks the crossover visited recognizable places of the capital.
Internet banners
For the campaign, html banners with a hovering crossover and a screaming seagull were prepared online.

Advertising campaigns
Advertising campaign idea
Advertising campaign 360
Key visual
3D visualization
Promotional video
Audio clip
January, 2024
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